From the front lines of Commencement 2002, continued
Suffolk County Sheriff Richard Rouse (foreground) and Middlesex County Sheriff James DiPaola trot gracefully into the Yard on their splendid (and powerful) steeds. (Staff photo by Kris Snibbe) President of Brown University Ruth J. Simmons and former President Neil L. Rudenstine look relaxed and cheerful before receiving honorary doctorates. (Staff photo by Stephanie Mitchell) Marshals take to the morning procession in high style. (Staff photo by Kris Snibbe) New members of Phi Beta Kappa Alpha Iota of Massachusetts continue a 19th century (or possibly earlier) tradition of singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ while holding hands. (Staff photo by Rose Lincoln) After delivering the Senior English Address, a thoroughly soaked Zayed Muhammed Yasin (below) warily watches the approach of a press photographer. (Staff photo by Kris Snibbe)
‘How to Be Enough’ author on the difference between admiration and acceptance, the power of ‘2 percent kinder,’ and why values should come before rules