Campus & Community
- Two faculty members were misidentified in the May 9 issue (‘Four honored as College Professors’). The caption should have listed William Mills Todd III (left) and Jeremy Bloxham as Harvard College Professors.
- In an article that appeared on page 6 of the May 2 issue, the headline and caption misnamed a fellowship. The headline should have read, “Three seniors win George Peabody Gardner Traveling Fellowship.” The George Peabody Gardner Traveling Fellowship is available to graduating seniors who are concentrators in the Departments of Visual and Environmental Studies, Anthropology, English and American Literature and Language, History and Literature, Literature, or Philosophy. The fellowship provides “one or more graduating seniors with a stipend for a year of travel and study.”
- In a caption that appeared on page 7 of the May 9 issue, a statistic for softball player Tiffany Whitton ’03 was incorrect. Whitton has hit 45 RBIs this season. The Gazette regrets the errors.