Campus & Community

IOP awards summer internships

6 min read

The Institute of Politics (IOP) has awarded more than $100,000 to Harvard students for summer internships in the public sector. As part of three separate programs offered by the Institute, approximately 75 Harvard undergraduates will be able to accept unpaid or low-paid summer internships in public service, or to conduct senior thesis research, with supplemental funding provided by the IOP.

“This is an unbelievable resource for Harvard students,” said Beth Kytle ’02, who chaired the IOP’s student internship committee. “We try to make it possible for students to do things they wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.”

The Institute distributed a total of $116,516 in summer internship and thesis research funding for 2001. Institute internship and stipend recipients, and their summer host organizations are listed below.

The Institute’s competitive Director’s Internship Program secures well-placed internships with a variety of government and public service organizations, and provides stipends to those students selected for internships. Among this summer’s 16 host organizations are several U.S. Senate offices, including Sen. John McCain and Sen. Hillary Clinton; the White House; the Brookings Institution; the British House of Parliament; and the research office of historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.

“Nothing is more central to our mission than sharing our resources – and the contacts we have made over the years with students,” said IOP Director and former U.S. Sen. David Pryor. “And our host organizations are thrilled to work with talented and dedicated young people from Harvard.”

The IOP’s Summer Stipends for Public Sector Internships allow students who secure their own public sector internships, most of which are unpaid, to apply to the Institute for supplemental funding to cover living expenses. Fifty-seven students received stipends from the Institute for the summer of 2001, for internships ranging from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow to ABC News to the U.S. Surgeon General’s office.

A third Institute grant program allowed Harvard seniors to apply for funding to support summer thesis research. Two thesis research grants are awarded annually for projects relating to U.S. government, politics, and public service.

IOP’s Internship Program recipients and their hosts

Kate Jackson ’02, Marine Conservation Foundation; Andrew Bradt ’02, ABC Radio; Riley Mendoza ’04, Hotline Political Report; Betsy Sykes ’03, The White House Project; Andrew Klein ’04, Sen. Chuck Hagel; John Manley ’02, Sen. John McCain; Patrick Toomey ’03, British House of Parliament; Gina Kramer ’03, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani; Carrie Shuchart ’02, MTV’s “Choose or Lose”; Chad Callaghan ’02, Doris Kearns Goodwin; Caroline Adler ’04, Sen. Hillary Clinton; Dan Fernandez ’03, Sen. Edward Kennedy; Rob Porter ’02, The White House; Keith Goodman ’02, Brookings Institution; Shanti Hubbard ’04, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.; and Sachin Jain ’02, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

IOP’s Thesis Research award program recipients and project titles

Lionel Lynch ’02, “Agenda Setting and the Patient’s Bill of Rights,” and Jessica Oats ’02, “Heritage or Hate?”

IOP’s Summer Stipends for Public Sector Internships stipend recipients and host organizations

David Adelman ’04, The American Israel Public Affairs Committee; Brian Boyle ’03, Office of Rep. Jim McGovern; Peter Buttigieg ’04, Office of Sen. Edward Kennedy; Liza Ching ’02, The U.S. Department Of State; James Francis Christian ’02, Office of Sen. Chuck Hagel; Laura Coltin ’02, The Consulate of Mexico; Nicholas Cornell ’04, Town Planning Office, Brunswick, Maine; Katherine Crawford ’03, Office of Sen. Tim Hutchinson; Clifford Davidson ’02, New America Foundation; Ernani DeAraujo ’03, The White House; Julia Einbond ’02, U.S. Agency for International Development; Rebecca Eisenberg ’02, Office of Rep. Benjamin Cardin;, Brian Emeott ’04, Office of Sen. Carl Levin; Justin Erlich ’03, Office of the Mayor, San Francisco; Ryan Fahey ’02, Office of Sen. Herb Kohl; Anna Falicov ’02, Migrant Worker Health Program, Wake County, N.C.; Jessica Stannard Friel ’04, Office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein; Carlos Garza ’03, Office of Rep. Solomon Ortiz; Mattie Germer ’03, The White House; Justin Gest ’04, Office of Sen. Barbara Boxer; James Griffin ’02, People for the American Way; Nader Hassan ’02, to be determined; Theresa House ’04, Office of Rep. Harold Ford Jr.; Jennifer Hsiao ’04, IRC’s San Jose Regional Refugee Resettlement Office; Jalina Hudson ’03, State Department, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity; Joshua Humi ’03, The White House; Erica Hutchins ’02, The Carter Center; Martin Kanz ’04, German Mission to the United Nations; Heather Langdon ’03, Office of Sen. Charles Schumer; Micah Todd Lewin ’03, U.S. Embassy, London; Jordana Lewis ’02, ABC News; Angela Marek ’02, Congressional Quarterly; Molly Jo Moore ’02, Office of the U.S. Surgeon General; Grayson Murphy ’02, National Economic Council, The White House; Cara New ’02, U.S. Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand; Leonid Peisakhin ’03, Office of the European Union, Washington, D.C.; Nancy Redd ’03, U.S. Embassy, Brussels, Belgium; Adam Robbins ’02, U.S. Department of State; Alejandro Rodriguez ’03, Office of Sen. Edward Kennedy, Jennifer Lee Roque ’02, U.S. Embassy, Moscow; Joseph Ryan ’02, Office of Sen. George Voinovich; Lindsay Ryba ’02, Office of Gov. John Rowland; Stephen E. Sachs ’02, Judiciary Committee, U.S. House of Representatives; Jason Sauer ’02, Office of the Attorney General, Kentucky; Faiz Shakir ’02, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy; Ari Shaw ’04, Office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein; Erin Sheley ’02, The Weekly Standard; Ganesh Sitaraman ’04, Democratic National Committee; Emily Spengler ’03, Oxfam America; Andreea Stefanescu ’04, Office of Sen. Edward Kennedy; Isauro Villareal ’02, Office of Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante; Benjamin Wikler ’03, AIDS in Africa Project; Gerald Williams ’03, The Sudan Campaign; Andre Damian Williams ’02, Brown Center for Politics and Diplomacy; Justina Wong ’04, Office of Sen. John Kerry; and Heather Woodruff ’03, to be determined.

The Institute of Politics was established in 1966 with an endowment from the John F. Kennedy Library Corp. to inspire undergraduate students to enter careers in politics and public service, and to promote greater understanding and cooperation between the academic community and the political world. The Institute offers a wide-ranging program for students including internships, Forum events and speakers, visiting and resident fellows, and study groups and conferences intended to provide opportunities for interaction with the men and women who shape politics and public policy.