CNN analyst to speak at HLS Class Day

Greta Van Susteren, CNN legal analyst and host of “The Point With Greta Van Susteren,” will deliver Harvard Law School’s 2001 Class Day address on June 6. The speech will begin at 2:30 p.m. on the steps of Langdell Hall on the Law School campus.
“Ms. Van Susteren’s expert analysis during events like the O.J. Simpson trial and the presidential election in Florida guided the American people on a daily basis about the laws that control all of our lives,” said Frank Rossi, a 2001 Class Marshal. “Her unending knowledge, charm, and ability to convey legal knowledge to amateurs and professionals alike will leave us with a great reminder as to how we should act as we go forward into our legal careers.”
In addition to hosting “The Point” – CNN’s daily prime-time news and analysis program – Van Susteren is co-host of the daily half-hour legal show “Burden of Proof.” She is known for her insightful legal commentary on high-profile issues such as the Elian Gonzales controversy, the litigation involving the 2000 presidential election, and the recent discovery of files related to the Oklahoma City bombing.
Van Susteren, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, was the 2000-01 recipient of the Sandra Day O’Connor Medal of Honor from Seton Hall University and received an honorary doctor of laws degree from Stetson Law School earlier this month. She has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin, and a J.D. and master’s degree from the Georgetown University Law Center.
The Harvard Law School Class Day is held annually on the day before the University’s Commencement. Recent Class Day speakers have included former Attorney General Janet Reno, NBC’s Tim Russert, and presidential adviser David Gergen.