Police Log
Following are some of the incidents reported to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) for the week ending Saturday Nov. 4. The official log is located at Police Headquarters, 29 Garden St.
Oct. 30: A bicycle was reported stolen from Aldrich Hall. A breaking and entering report was filed at HUPD Headquarters.
Oct. 31: A coat and backpack were reported stolen from the Countway Library.
At Beckwith Circle, a caller reported an attempted breaking and entering. Two subjects fled the area and could not be found.
A wallet was reported stolen at the Yenching Library. A laptop was reported stolen from SPH 1.
A caller reports being the victim of an incident in which the suspect exposed himself. Criminal investigation is ongoing.
Nov. 1: A backpack was reported stolen from a lab at the Science Center. At Gallatin Hall, a bicycle was reported stolen.
Nov. 2: An officer responded to the Seely Mudd Building on a report of a past larceny. The victim reported the theft of a wallet between 8:15 and 10 a.m. earlier that day. The wallet, minus the cash, was recovered from a stairwell trash receptacle.
A coat was reported stolen from the coatroom at the Faculty Club. An officer responded to a report of several past larcenies on the third floor of Lehman Hall.
An officer responded to a report at Coolidge Hall of past harassment. The victim stated that a female subject shouted several demeaning statements based on the victim’s race. A search for the subject was made without success.
Bicycle tires were reported stolen from Quincy House.
Nov. 3: Three bicycles were reported stolen from Sever Hall, the Malkin Center, and the Carpenter Center. At Lowell House, a scooter was reported stolen.
Nov. 4: A bicycle was reported stolen from Tosteson MEC. At Lowell House, a caller reported two suspicious white males who appeared to be attempting to steal a bicycle. Subjects were gone on officer’s arrival.