Community service is key: Ebert Awards recognize the commitment of eight
Eight medical professionals were recently recognized for extraordinary service — locally and globally — by the Medical School/School of Dental Medicine Office of Community Outreach Programs. Joseph Martin, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, presented these individuals with the second annual Dean’s Community Service Award. Recognizing that professionalism in medicine requires a commitment to service both to the immediate community as well as beyond, the Dean’s Community Service Award was established in 1999 to recognize individuals who have made outstanding efforts to serve the local, national, and international community. The award recipients were honored at a luncheon in June with Martin, R. Bruce Donoff, Dean of the School of Dental Medicine, and Joan Y. Reede, faculty director of the Office of Community Outreach Programs.
Today (Oct. 19), as part of the eighth annual Robert Ebert Community Service Day, the partner community service organizations each receive a check for $1,000.
Community Service Award recipients
- Jim Yong Kim, instructor in social medicine, Harvard Medical School (HMS), internal medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital: Partners in Health (Cambridge, Mass.)
- Harvey Makadon, vice president for medical affairs, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: Fenway Community Health Center
- David Potter, Robert Winthrop Professor of Neurobiology, HMS: HMS Four Directions Summer Research Program, Native American Medical Organization
Student recipients
- David Gordon, HMS (Castle Society): HMS Mentoring for Science
- Laura Gottlieb, HMS (Cannon Society): Peace Games (Somerville, Mass.)
- Karen Ho (Cannon Society): Hepatitis B Education and Prevention Boston (HEPB) Initiative
Staff recipient
- Lia Sgourakes, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Special Assistant to the Dean: Greek Orthodox Diocese of Boston
Trainee recipient
- Chi-Cheng Huang, clinical fellow in internal medicine/pediatrics, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Childrens Hospital Boston: Bolivian Street Children Missions, La Iglesia la Communidad (U.S. Sponsor — Park Street Church, Boston)