Committee on Honorary Degrees to consider 2002 nominees
The Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees will be meeting during the fall and spring to consider nominees for honorary degrees in 2002. Members of the Harvard community are invited to submit names of likely honorary degree candidates.
Through its conferral of such degrees, Harvard aims to recognize excellence of broad relevance to higher education. The degrees are voted by the governing boards, on the recommendation of the advisory committee, which includes six faculty members and representatives of both boards. The committee is continually interested in receiving nominations of outstanding individuals whose achievements are extraordinarily distinguished and give promise of being valuable and enduring.
Nominations may be sent to Professor Hanna Gray, a member of the Corporation and Chair of the Advisory Committee, or Marc Goodheart, Secretary of the University, at Loeb House, 17 Quincy Street, Cambridge, Mass., 02138. New nominations received will be considered for degrees to be awarded in June 2002 and afterward, and should be submitted by October 13, 2000. Biographical material and comments in support of recommendations should accompany submissions.
Please note that nominees suggested within the past five years will automatically be included among the names still under consideration.