Tag: Freshman seminar

  • Nation & World

    Harvard students, meet the Stone Age

    Students taking part in a new freshman seminar class learn to appreciate the sophistication of Neanderthals by manufacturing their own stone tools from scratch.

    2 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Dream saga of WWII

    As part of a project by Professor Deirdre Barrett to resurrect a study started in 1940, a group of Harvard undergraduates probed the dreams of British officers captured early in World War II and held in a German prison camp.

    6 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Provost’s other hat: Teacher

    As provost, Alan Garber spends his days tackling Harvard’s administrative concerns. This semester, he has stepped back into his old role as a teacher, leading a freshman seminar on health care policy that has given him a fresh take on the University he helps lead.

    4 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Building a better machine

    Students in the “Physics and Applied Physics Research Freshman Seminar” labored hard to improve on a model heat engine, continuing the work of a previous class.

    4 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Worming out of listening

    A freshman seminar helps students to understand Darwin by reading his works and re-creating 10 experiments — including one showing that the wiggly creatures just don’t hear.

    4 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Echoes of Tiananmen Square

    In her freshman seminar, lecturer Rowena He sheds light on the Chinese government’s 1989 crackdown on dissent by melding the personal with the academic.

    5 minutes