Tag: Alcoholism

  • Nation & World

    Who deserves a liver transplant?

    With deaths from alcohol-related disease on rise, rules that deny patients life-saving care need revising, says researcher. How to ensure equity?

    9 minutes
    Anatomical illustration of a human liver.
  • Nation & World

    Why does Alcoholics Anonymous work?

    Researchers have found that Alcoholics Anonymous and related 12-step treatments lessen addiction severity as effectively as other treatments, while reducing health care costs.

    3 minutes
    AA medallions
  • Nation & World

    A boozy writer who crossed out the adjective

    Harvard grad Leslie Jamison on her new book, “The Recovering.”

    6 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Calming the working mind

    Marianne Bergonzi first tried yoga when she was 50 years old. Describing the experience as life-changing, Bergonzi soon began teaching classes. “I knew I had to pass the yogic philosophy on to people who [may] never get a chance to learn the body, mind, and breath connection.”

    3 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Alcohol abuse after weight loss surgery?

    Experts on the use of bariatric surgery for the treatment of obesity gathered at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study earlier this month for a two-day seminar examining new evidence that stomach surgery for the treatment of obesity has unexpected side effects, including an increased incidence of alcohol abuse among patients.

    6 minutes
  • Nation & World

    Decoding keys to a healthy life

    Now 74 years young, the Harvard Study of Adult Development continues to yield a treasure trove of data about how people behave, and change — including predictions of strong indicators to a happy life.

    6 minutes
  • Nation & World

    When the past is present

    Marcus Briggs-Cloud believes native language is what connects communities. His time at the Divinity School has helped him strengthen that bridge.

    4 minutes