
Biostatistics Dept. seeks nominations for Lagakos Award

1 min read

The Lagakos Distinguished Alumni Award has been established in memory of Stephen Lagakos, a faculty member and former chair of the Department of Biostatistics who passed away in a tragic automobile accident in 2009.

Professor Lagakos was a leader in the department, the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), and more broadly, in the international community of quantitative biomedical researchers. His qualities of commitment, passion, intellectual brilliance, and personal generosity had a direct personal impact on the lives at HSPH; and his contributions to biostatistics and to AIDS research were fundamental.

This award serves to honor his distinguished career, and to recognize department alumni whose research in statistical theory and application, leadership in biomedical research, and commitment to teaching have had a major impact on the theory and practice of statistical science.

For more information on the nomination process, visit the website.